- All
- AV Systems
- Clock Systems
- Communication Networks
- Communications
- Directional Boring
- Directional Drilling
- Education Technology Construction
- Fat Fusion
- Fiber Optic
- Fiber Optic Fiber/Copper Campus Backbone Distribution System
- Gasline Construction
- Medical Building Networks
- Medical Communications Construction
- Microtrenching
- Nevada Utility Construction
- Paging System
- Pipe Construction
- Pipeline Construction
- Security
- Spider Plow
- Structured Cabling
- TDR/TR Build and Design
- Technology Infrastructure
- Underground Utilities
- Utah Directional Drilling
- Utah Fiber Optic Construction
- Utility
- Utility Trenching
- White Noise System
- Wireless
- Wyoming Directional Drilling

Escalante Fiber
Optic Microtrench
Optic Microtrench
Client: South Central Communications

Snowbird Fiber Optic Cable Upgrade
Client: Telecom Industry

IHP 4”, 8” Gas and 12” Casing, Park City UT
Client: Flare Construction Inc.

Huntsman Cancer Research Center
Salt Lake City, UT
Salt Lake City, UT
Client: Medical Industry

Leap Year Sewer Project
Breckenridge, CO
Breckenridge, CO
Client: Stan Miller

Petrolium Management
Oil & Gas

Management Service

Mechanical Industry
Building Construction

Chemical Industry
Building Construction

Oil & Gas Management
Building Construction

Gas Management

Oil & Gas Industry
Building Construction