4 ways we prevent environmental degradation at our job sites
One of our highest priorities when taking on work is making sure that there is minimal environmental degradation during construction, whether it be fiber optics or heavy cabling work.
The desire to make sure that our environment is held intact is of extra emphasis when we work on projects in our home of the Salt Lake Valley, given the beauty throughout the region that makes it an outdoor haven for visitors and residents alike.
The fact is, every construction project leaves some type of impact, minimal or not. Even so, we take great care to prevent any damage to our beautiful lands. In this blog, we look at four areas in particular that we focus on.
Fuel usage. To prevent gas emissions from harming the environment with excess methane, we try to minimize the amount of trucks and equipment at each job site. If a project requires us to haul cable, pipes or other gear for long distances, we try and use green fuel sources and/or hybrid equipment.
Lower the volume. Construction is a major source of noise pollution that can disturb the surrounding population. Site preparation, demolition and ditch-digging aren’t quiet, but we take great care to adhere to city and state ordinances that govern when construction can and can’t be done. When our projects require noisy equipment, we try and conduct business in the middle of the day, during the week, instead of early in the morning, late at night or on weekends.
Waste recycling. There were 534 million tons of construction material waste in the United States as recently as 2014. That’s a lot! Working to recycle as many existing materials as possible allows us to give back to the environment. Whenever we can cut waste and encourage the reuse of materials, we do so.
No sandbags here. Sandbags are a popular option to combat erosion and sedimentation, but we try not to use them. Instead, we opt for eco-friendly, reusable options like inflatable water dams. These measures preserve the surrounding environment. They’re also reusable.
Do you need versatility? We have the ability to work as a subcontractor, with a general contractor, or we can contract directly with either public or private entities in various industries. And with any work we do, we get it done with high safety standards and minimum environmental impact.
Get in touch with us today and find out how we can make sure your project runs smoothly. Call (801) 892-0500. No matter your businesses’ needs, we’re confident we can get the job done!